Friday, July 20, 2012

Hopefully the Last Version Update for Pins Themselves

So it's pretty much just what I said in the title of the post. I'm hoping that this and the next set of images will be the last set of proofs. From what I heard on the phone today, they usually only do 1 revision a DAY, but they've been working hard for us and have done multiple changes this morning. We are stuck with these until Monday and first thing by that morning we need to have an email sent for the final changes that need to be made. If you have any suggestions, I'll think about them. If I see a Strike Witches thread, I'll search for input from there as well.

Fuso: I'm really happy with this one. The simplicity of the eclipsing sun without any glitter really makes me happy about this one being "different" from the others.

 Liberion: I like this one, again, because it's simple. It's going to be fabulous and personally I might find myself wearing this on my suit

 Orussia: It took a few tries, but this one looks pretty good to me. I'd like more input to make sure it's what other people want, but personally I like it. (Also, Sanya confirmed for best Straik Wich hu I wud hug)

 Britannia: We're going to be seeing a lot of this one in the next post since I'm having them fix a few minor details, such as the blue and yellow needing to be glitter'd.

 Republic of Gallia: Well, I can't say anything bad about Gallia since I think Perinne's cute when she shuts up or uses Tonnerre to make her sex-hair. This one seems to me to be at it's best here. If someone wants to change something, I'm open to ideas, but this looks pretty good to me.

 Romagna: I like this one. It looks perfect and it's ready to be produced when the others are. I just don't like how it's going to be the hardest to work into an outfit.

Suomus: Welp, this one just looks like a mother-fucking Pokemon badge if any of them HAD to be, since, you know... there IS a badge that looks exactly like this. There's one edit I'll be having them make on Monday and that's the blue... it needs to be lighter... like an silverish color blue. 

 Karlsland: This is one that I know a LOT of people are really wanting. As such, I've got both of the versions we have made so far. I believe the newer one (top) will easily be #1 in a vote, but I'll leave that up to you guys.


  1. >Been a day with no update

    Gods save us.

  2. Nothing to update about. We can't have updates with no word from the company.
